Make Intergalactic History: Name the Plants of Paradise and Win an Upcoming NFT

Are you ready to explore the depths of space and leave your mark on intergalactic history? Unleash your creativity and name the plants of the Paradise planet that StarShip botanists have recently discovered. Everyone who submits name suggestions has a chance to win a first edition NFT, a digital collectible with in-game benefits that will forever preserve your contribution to the annals of galactic botanical knowledge.

How to Enter

Entering the contest is simple. Just follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Paradise page to learn more about this planet and the contest.

  2. Let your imagination soar and come up with a fitting name for a plant species that could exist in the enchanting world of Paradise. Remember that this planet is a place where things might not make logical sense, but they feel right.

  3. Submit your idea by filling out the form at the bottom of the Paradise page by April 21, 2023. Make sure to provide a valid email address so that the StarShip crew can contact you if your submission is chosen.

  4. Cross your fingers and wait for the announcement of the winners, which will take place on April 26, 2023. The 10 winners will receive a first edition NFT of the plant that they named, a digital piece of art that has in-game utility.

Why Participate

Participating in the Paradise plant naming contest is not just a fun and creative way to engage with the sci-fi and gaming communities. It's also an opportunity to leave your mark on the history of space exploration and contribute to the advancement of knowledge about the wonders of the universe.

In addition, the contest offers the chance to win a never-before-released StarShip NFT. NFTs are unique, non-fungible tokens that represent ownership of a digital asset, such as an artwork, music file or video game item. The winners of the Paradise plant naming contest will each own a rare and valuable piece of StarShip’s Paradise that they can collect, use in Deploy StarShip or trade.

Get Inspired

Need some inspiration to come up with a winning name for a Paradise plant? Head over to the Paradise page to learn more about this planet of wonder and to catch a glimpse of the beautiful concept art for the plants.

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